Our Research & The Resilience Survey
April 18, 2021
We were inspired to develop the Resilience Shield model after witnessing the markedly different reactions that our colleagues had to stressors such as combat. However, it was critical to us that this model was based on something more than our anecdotal observations.
Accordingly, we have invested years of academic research into the Resilience Shield, including an ongoing body of research conducted in conjunction with the University of Western Australia (UWA), funded through the award of an Entrepreneur’s Program grant by the Australian Federal Government’s Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources.
Our lead research partner is Dr Lies Notebaert, a PhD psychologist who specialises in experimental-cognitive research into the links between cognition, emotion and behaviour.
The primary tool for the collection of data to support this research is the Resilience Survey. Incorporating a number of existing, peer-reviewed screens, the Resilience Survey measures the current state of a participant’s resilience and provides feedback on their relative strengths and weaknesses in terms of overall resilience, and within each of the Resilience Shield layers. Participants are also able to opt in to receive a comprehensive resilience report
You can access the Resilience Survey here